Friday, January 23, 2015

Fareed Zakaria Calls Out Rupert Murdoch Over Paris Terrorism Comments

CNN's Fareed Zakaria sat down with HuffPost Live at Davos on Wednesday, where he called out Rupert Murdoch for his comments on the recent terror attacks in Paris.

"I think it was outrageous to claim that moderate Muslims, or Muslims in general, are responsible for the attacks," Zakaria said. "If you had a significant portion of the Muslim world up in arms against the West... we'd have a lot of attacks every day."

"We're talking about a small number," Zakaria added.

Tweeting after the terror attacks in France that left 20 dead, Murdoch said Muslims must "recognize and destroy their growing jihadist cancer," and "they must be held responsible."

"We don't hold Rupert Murdoch responsible for every crazy, radical, quasi-fascist statement made by a television host -- oh, wait a minute, I guess we do in the case of Rupert Murdoch because he hires most of them," Zakaria joked.

Zakaria pointed out the hypocrisy of Murdoch's comment.

"He has no responsibility for the hacking scandal that was done by his employees, but yet Muslims in Indonesia who are moderate are somehow responsible for what some guy in France does," Zakaria said.

Below, more updates from the 2015 Davos Annual Meeting:

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Oldest Newest Share + Today 5:35 AM ESTHickenlooper On The Next Four Years

Hickenlooper said he's excited about the next four years, which will be his last as governor of Colorado because of term limits.

"There is a sense of liberation that in these next four years we can go out and, we want to be the healthiest state," Hickenlooper said.

Hickenlooper said he's hoping to make progress on trails, schools, jobs and business, among other things.

"There's just so much out there," Hickenlooper said.

Share this: Tweet Share tumblr Share + Today 5:32 AM ESTHickenlooper At Davos

Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper on HuffPost Live

Share this: Tweet Share tumblr Share + Today 5:32 AM ESTHickenlooper Hopes To Work With NRA

"We would never try to take anyone's guns away," Hickenlooper said.

Hickenlooper said he's "hopeful" he'll be able to work with the NRA to encourage them to throw their support behind universal background checks, which the group used to support.

Share this: Tweet Share tumblr Share + Today 5:29 AM ESTHickenlooper On Pot

Hickenlooper spoke about life after marijuana legalization in Colorado.

"We passed it two years ago, so we had a year to try to put the regulatory framework together," he said.

"It's interesting, we've obviously learned a tremendous amount, the whole team has been going at light speed," Hickenlooper added.

Hickenlooper said he'd advise other states to wait before legalizing pot, so that others can see what the "unintended consequences" of legalization are in his state. He also spoke about his opposition to legalization, saying he now has a more open mind about the regulation of pot sales.

"I didn't want it to be legalized," Hickenlooper said. "If I had a magic wand the day after the election and could reverse the election, I would have done it."

Hickenlooper said the war on drugs is a "dismal failure," and he's looking forward to seeing how marijuana legalization evolves in his state over the next two years. His hope is to get rid of the black market for marijuana.

Share this: Tweet Share tumblr Share + Today 5:25 AM ESTGov. Hickenlooper On SOTU

Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper (D) talked to HuffPost Live about U.S. President Barack Obama's State of the Union address.

"He sounds like he's willing to sit down and work together with Congress," Hickenlooper said.

Share this: Tweet Share tumblr Share + Today 4:53 AM ESTSalovey On Campus Sexual Assault

Salovey spoke out against victim-blaming, saying alcohol or similar factors are never an excuse for someone to be sexually assaulted.

"People have a right to expect that they are not going to be subject to unwelcome sexual advances," Salovey said.

"There are ways we can learn to prevent those kind of situations, prevent the conditions that give rise to that very unwelcome kind of behavior happening," Salovey added.

Share this: Tweet Share tumblr Share + Today 4:50 AM ESTSalovey On The Berkeley/Bill Maher Controversy

Salovey spoke on free expression on campuses, reflecting on the incident at Berkeley where students protested comedian Bill Maher's appearance at a graduation ceremony because of comments he made about Muslims.

"It's very difficult. You see this controversy playing out on many different campuses over the last couple of years," Salovey said.

Salovey said he thinks people want to live in an environment where others are respectful and they're not offended, but being offended can be a learning experience.

Share this: Tweet Share tumblr Share + Today 4:46 AM ESTPeter Salovey On Emotional Intelligence

Peter Salovey, President of Yale University, told HuffPost Live about "emotional intelligence" and a model he pioneered 25 years ago.

"The idea behind emotional intelligence... is that our emotions are a source of information," Salovey said. "They help us make decisions, they help us regulate ourselves, they help us solve problems."

"Some people pay attention to this, and some people ignore it, and some people try to suppress it," Salovey said.

Salovey said teaching people how to read the emotional signals of themselves and others will give them "a leg up."

Share this: Tweet Share tumblr Share + Today 4:40 AM ESTDavos Breakfast Share this: Tweet Share tumblr Share + Today 4:31 AM ESTGelles On 'McMindfulness'

David Gelles said he devotes a chapter in his book to "McMindfulness," or a watered-down version of mindfulness practices.

"Inasmuch as people are really practicing and doing the work, it's still going to work its magic," Gelles said.

Share this: Tweet Share tumblr Share + Today 4:29 AM EST'We All Have Time'

Gelles said everyone should be able to make time for mindfulness practices.

"I think we all have time. If we all have time to check our smart phones and browse the web, we likely all have time for more virtuous activities," Gelles said.

Share this: Tweet Share tumblr Share + Today 4:27 AM ESTDavid Gelles On Mindfulness

New York Times reporter David Gelles, who authored an upcoming book called Mindful Work: How Meditation Is Changing Business From The Inside Out, stopped by the HuffPost Live studio at Davos on Friday.

Gelles spoke on how mindfulness practices are able to reduce stress, increase focus and even make people more kind and compassionate.

"Our minds are totally inclined to race ahead and dwell in the past, but a lot of people would find that if we actually slow down and be in the present moment, a lot of good things will happen," Gelles said.

Share this: Tweet Share tumblr Share + Today 4:19 AM EST'We've All Got A Responsibility'

"We've all got a responsibility to repair this broken world, to lift morale in a skeptical world that says, financial services and banking, you have overused the good will of the rest of the world," Balkin said.

Share this: Tweet Share tumblr Share + Today 4:17 AM ESTJeremy Balkin At Davos

Jeremy Balkin at Davos

Share this: Tweet Share tumblr Share + Today 4:15 AM ESTBalkin On Using Finance For Good

Jeremy Balkin, founder of Give While You Live, stopped by HuffPost Live at Davos to talk about using finance for good.

"Absolutely finance is a force for good," Balkin said.

Balkin said there must be change in the banking industry, and it has to come from within.

"I'm not sure you can impose from the outside, cultural change... I think it has to come from within, I think it has to be organic," he said.

Balkin addressed the negative feelings many people have about the failures of banking.

"I think we've been in a really unique period of history where we've had moral and ethical failure... the difference is, we feel finance much more because it's an empty pocket, it's money... these other ethical failures, the tangible results of those failures we don't necessarily feel as directly," Balkin said.

Share this: Tweet Share tumblr Share + Today 3:57 AM ESTSandberg: Optimism Matters

"I think optimism.. matters, because unless we're optimistic we give up," Sandberg said.

Sandberg said people connecting with others all over the world leave her optimistic about progress we can make.

"The opportunities have never been better," Sandberg said. "Look at what's happening with just 40 percent of people getting connected."

"I think we can connect more people and we can be optimistic," she added.

Share this: Tweet Share tumblr Share + Today 3:52 AM ESTSandberg Prioritizes Sleep

Sandberg said she's been working at getting more sleep, noting she watched how her kids act when they're lacking sleep and realized she often has the same kind of reaction.

"I really do prioritize sleep and it made a huge difference," Sandberg said.

Share this: Tweet Share tumblr Share + Today 3:48 AM ESTSandberg On The Problem With 'Office Housework'

Sandberg said it's an issue that women do more work than men.

"Women do more everywhere they are," Sandberg said.

Sandberg noted women do more work even in the office, saying "office housework" often falls to women in the workplace.

Share this: Tweet Share tumblr Share + Today 3:47 AM ESTSandberg's Favorite Lean In Circle Story

Sandberg said her favorite story of a lean in circle was a group in D.C. who lobbied to get a 23 percent discount for women on Equal Pay Day, since women get paid 23 percent less on average than men.

Share this: Tweet Share tumblr Share + Today 3:45 AM ESTArianna & Sheryl Sandberg At Davos

Arianna and Sheryl Sandberg at Davos

Share this: Tweet Share tumblr Share + Today 3:44 AM ESTSandberg On How Lean In Circles Can Help Women Reach Their Goals

Sandberg revealed her New Year's resolution for 2015.

"My resolution this year... is to meditate," Sandberg said.

She said her girlfriends are helping her with the goal. They formed a "lean in circle" that meets the first Tuesday of every month to discuss how their resolutions are going.

"When we have the support of our friends, we're not there alone," she added.

"So far it's been three weeks and I'm there," Sandberg added.

Sandberg said women around the world are using lean in circles to improve their lives.

"The key principle is creating your own little tribe," Arianna noted.

Share this: Tweet Share tumblr Share + Today 3:42 AM ESTSheryl Sandberg On Speaking While Woman

Sheryl Sandberg, chief operating officer of Facebook, sat down with Arianna on HuffPost Live at Davos, where she offered her thoughts on how women can help change the world.

"I think more women in power is how we would get to peace," Sandberg said.

Sandberg referenced a piece she wrote after a December 2014 press conference, when President Barack Obama only called on women and made headlines.

"Even with all the progress we've made, it's still hard to speak in a professional setting as a woman," Sandberg said.

Share this: Tweet Share tumblr Share + 01/22/2015 12:25 PM ESTHow HuffPost Is Working With Global Citizen

Hugh Evans and Jordan Hewson from Global Citizen, along with Arianna, sat down on HuffPost Live at Davos to share how HuffPost and Global Citizen are working together to help end global poverty.

Share this: Tweet Share tumblr Share + 01/22/2015 12:24 PM ESTHow Mobile Money Is Transforming Africa

Lesley Silverthorn Marincola, CEO of Angaza Design, writes for HuffPost:

I live in the heart of Silicon Valley and am still dependent on a piece of plastic I have to carry around with me everywhere. From gas to groceries, I pay with my credit card.

With the introduction of Apple Play only six months ago, Americans are only now starting to experience the smartphone-enabled proliferation of US mobile money services. Yet, perhaps because not every buyer has an iPhone 6 and not every vendor has a near field communication terminal, credit cards dominate the US market and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

Read more here.

Share this: Tweet Share tumblr Share + 01/22/2015 12:23 PM ESTStoffels On The Challenges Of Fighting Disease

Stoffels said two major challenges of many diseases include the basic science and the cost.

"Developing a drug is expensive, developing a vaccine is expensive," he said.

Share this: Tweet Share tumblr Share + 01/22/2015 12:17 PM ESTDebunking A Big Ebola Myth

"One of the misconceptions is that Ebola is only really transmitted when you really touch a patient," Paul Stoffels said. "It's not that transmittable."

Share this: Tweet Share tumblr Share + 01/22/2015 12:15 PM ESTPaul Stoffels On Johnson & Johnson's Efforts To Fight Ebola

Paul Stoffels, chief scientific officer of Johnson & Johnson, said his company is working with different partners on an effort to get out into the field and fight Ebola.

"We immediately decide to put an investment of 0 million into [an Ebola vaccine]," Stoffels said.

Stoffels said his company has been working since 2008 on an Ebola vaccine, when the virus was far less wide-spread but considered a potential threat of bioterrorism.

Share this: Tweet Share tumblr Share + 01/22/2015 12:10 PM ESTErtharin Cousin: 'There's Room For Everybody' In Giving

"I don't believe in competition in providing to meet the needs of those who are poorest in our community," Cousin said. "There's room for everybody."

Share this: Tweet Share tumblr Share + 01/22/2015 12:05 PM ESTWhat Refugee Women Teach Us About Resilience

Artist Lynette Wallworth writes:

Last September I brought my film Coral the Ocean Dome to Tianjin, this year in Davos I am presenting "Evolution of Fearlessness" an immersive, interactive artwork that responds to touch.

To experience the work you first read the stories of 10 women who are primarily political refugees now residing in Australia. The stories of these women verge from the horrendous to the terribly sad. Most have experienced extreme acts of violence and worse. But the work is not about what has happened to the women, it is about who they have become. After reading their stories the viewer approaches a doorway in a darkened room and places a hand on the glass portal. This action causes the activation of a life-sized video of one of the women who steps forward and places her hand on your hand. The work creates a moment of video touch. What you experience from looking into these women's eyes is not their devastation, but rather and perhaps surprisingly, their love.

Read more here.

Share this: Tweet Share tumblr Share + 01/22/2015 12:03 PM ESTErtharin Cousin At Davos

Ertharin Cousin on HuffPost Live at Davos

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